Person-Centred Practice at the Difficult Edge download epub

Peter Pearce,Lisbeth Sommerbeck: Person-Centred Practice at the Difficult Edge

Person-Centred Practice at the Difficult Edge


This book presents accounts of the practice of the person-centred approach (PCA) with people suffering from a range of severe and enduring conditions. Comprehensively refuting the notion that person-centred therapy is suitable only for the 'worried well', it backs up contemporary practice with appropriate theory. For students, academic and professional audiences. Contributions include: Person-centred therapy with post-traumatic stress (Stephen Joseph and David Murphy); Tenuous contact - Person-centred therapy with adolescent process (Peter Pearce and Ros Sewell); Pre-Therapy with psychotic clients (Dion van Werde); Refutation of myths of inappropriateness of person-centered therapy at the difficult edge (Lisbeth Sommerbeck); Difficult processes (Margaret Warner) and several other chapters from leading theorists and practitioners.

Author: Peter Pearce,Lisbeth Sommerbeck
Number of Pages: 236 pages
Published Date: 10 Feb 2015
Publisher: Pccs Books
Publication Country: Manchester, United Kingdom
Language: English
ISBN: 9781906254698
Download Link: Click Here


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